Will NJ college students buy fake vaccine cards? (Opinion)
It was only a matter of time.
With Rutgers, TCNJ, Princeton and so many other colleges and universities in New Jersey requiring proof of COVID vaccination to attend classes this fall it is inevitable that people will start gaming the system.
It’s being reported that college students in North Carolina at Duke and UNC have been paying up to $200 to secure fake vaccine cards. What’s really pathetic is at University of North Carolina their policy allows either proof of vaccination or taking a weekly COVID test. The snowflakes there who are cheating aren’t even willing to be tested to avoid the vaccine. They are cut from the cloth of privilege and denial. They want things only their way.
The FBI has confirmed a similar plot working in the Chicago area as well as other spots around the country.
You know what’s sad? I imagine these students who refuse to be vaccinated are likely the same ones who downplay the 600,000+ deaths from COVID-19 in this country, who bitch and whine about wearing a mask, who groaned about businesses shutting down and yet won’t do their part to help end this thing so we can all get back to normal.
Yet I’m sure these delusional cupcakes talk a big game about their liberties.
If they want to boast what true Americans they are then they should all be believing in a capitalist society, right? One where businesses should be allowed unfettered by the government to run their businesses the way they see fit?
Well Morgan Stanley, Saks, Facebook, Google, Equinox, DoorDash, Lyft, Ford, Microsoft, Netflix and so many others have all mandated vaccines. The government isn’t forcing them. Their business, their rules. Right capitalists? The American way, correct?
So why is it wrong for colleges and universities to establish similar rules? Will these same college students turning down free vaccines yet willing to spend $200 on a fake vaccine card do the same someday to their employers? Just lie? Nice ethics.
Oh, another fun thing to think about. It’s likely these are the same sorts who would bristle at the thought of a vaccine passport. Yet their very lack of character is the reason we could end up needing them.
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— Jerome Blanchard 🇫🇷🔥
Wed Jul 21 20:54:23 +0000 2021
It’s high time this country grew up. Stop looking for conspiracies and boogeymen around every corner. Your indignant rants are played.
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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminskis own.
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